St Bede's
In 1866 Fr. Luke Curry was Rector at the Catholic church of St Marys and St Joseph’s in Chapel Street Carlisle. He founded a mission school at the junction of Wigton road and Silloth street. The mission school was dedicated to St Bede. The reason for the mission on Wigton road was because of the dramatic increase in the Catholic community in the city caused, among other reasons, by the influx of many Irish who had come to the country to escape the famine.
After eleven years being served from St Marys and St Joseph’s, the Parish of St Bedes was established. A new larger school was built on Silloth Street and the original mission school was enlarged to make a permanent church. In the 1930s it became evident that neither the church nor the school were big enough to meet the needs of the parish. Fr Parker bought the land on Wigton road for a new church and school. However, it was Fr Tootell who was parish priest from 1943 to 1958 who organised the raising of funds to build the new church and school. The new church was built and consecrated in 1959.
Mass Times
The celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass takes place every day. The Mass is, for the Catholic Christian, the high point of the day since the Eucharist is the ‘source and summit’ of all we do.
All Catholics are encouraged to attend the celebration of Mass as often as possible. The times of the celebration of Mass is listed below.
If you would like Mass celebrated for a particular intention then please complete one of the ‘Mass Intention’ envelopes found in the porch of the church.
Mass Times at St Bede’s
Monday 10am
Saturday (Vigil for Sunday) 6pm
Sunday 9.30am
Saturdays 5:30pm - 5:50pm